Jesus Peace Collective is a diverse and ecumenical group of like-minded Jesus followers committed to living and spreading the nonviolent, active peacemaking teachings of Jesus and the early Church.
Jesus Peace Collective was born out of the conviction that Jesus' teachings on enemy love and active peacemaking have largely been lost in the modern church. Therefore, the collective seeks to engage, educate, and equip Christians in these ancient paths of peace to see the church live up to its calling as the bride of Christ, and live with greater fidelity to the teachings of Jesus faithfully bearing witness in a world of brokenness, fear, and violence.
The Collective also seeks to counter Christian nationalist ideologies undergirding so much of the culture around us and running contrary to Jesus' kingdom message.
Jesus Peace Collective seeks to be a resource and community that helps disciples of Jesus in their calling to live as nonviolent agents of peacemaking in the world.
Frequently Asked Questions
I'm new to JPC and nonviolence theology, where should I begin?We have a post called "An Introduction to Christian Nonviolence" that is a great place to begin. After that please check out "Nonviolence 101" in the resources section to continue to dive in. When you are ready and feel comfortable, you can also check out the resources with the tag "academic" for a more in depth theological treatment on the subjects.
How can I get involved with JPC?There are two primary ways to get involved with the collective; as a promoter and as a contributor. Promoter: Being a promoter is for those that wish to help spread the nonviolent teachings of Jesus and resources of JPC. You can do this primarily by sharing JPC content in a manner that is humble and becoming of Jesus' peacemaking ways. Contributor: If you would like to contribute content to the site, please contact us.
What are the long term plans/goals of JPC?We desire for God to lead the efforts of the collective through the power and wisdom of the Spirit as we seek to discern future direction. Currently, the collective seeks to humbly offer resources for the broader church to increase awareness and exposure of Jesus' ancient paths of nonviolent resistance and active peacemaking as a part of his good news of the kingdom of God. We will continue to prayerfully seek if/what God may lead the collective toward in the future.
What is the origin story of Jesus Peace Collective?Jesus Peace Collective began with several pastor friends discussing their beliefs about Jesus' nonviolent kingdom and the call for his followers to love their enemies. This discussion surfaced the realization that many Christians (in particular in the Western church) have seldom heard these things taught explicitly in church. As more conversations were had, the consistent desire was expressed to have a place to go for resources around this relatively unknown topic, without having to get an advance education or read 20 books on the subject. As others were invited into the conversation, a series of zoom calls began to discuss where God might be leading all of this. After months of conversation, advice, prayer, and fasting, the conclusion was reached that a resource and community be developed that could help more Christians be exposed to Jesus' way of nonviolence. Thus, Jesus Peace Collective was born. Jesus Peace Collective does not have all the answers, but hopes to be a community and resource that invites others to humbly wrestle with the word of the Lord in community with one another.
Who is behind Jesus Peace Collective?You can see the growing list of contributors and partners of the collective here.
Is JPC an official ministry or outreach of any particular church or religious group?No. Jesus Peace Collective is an ecumenical group that shares a conviction around the nonviolent and active peacemaking teachings of Jesus and the early church.
What is JPC's connection to the "Historic Peace Churches," like those from Anabaptist traditions?While we share convictions around peacemaking and nonviolence as the historic peace churches (Anabaptists) do, we are an ecumenical collective that do not share any single set of core doctrines other than the centrality of Jesus, his message about the good news of the kingdom, and his nonviolent life and teachings.
Have JPC contributors signed or agreed on any kind of doctrinal statement?No. JPC does not hold any particular agreed upon set of doctrinal positions other than the centrality of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, his constant emphasis on the kingdom of God, and the importance of his life and teachings around nonviolent resistance and active peacemaking.
What is meant by "Christian nonviolence"?"Christian nonviolence" is meant to distinguish from other forms of nonviolence that are not rooted in the teachings and life of Jesus Christ. We believe that nonviolent resistance and enemy love was a central teaching of the life and ministry of Jesus, but has largely gone unnoticed or ignored by the modern church.
Why is nonviolence theology important?Nonviolence and enemy love was a central and marquee part of Jesus' life and teaching about the kingdom of God, when we don't follow him in these central ways (even unknowingly), we misrepresent Christianity to the world and proclaim a different gospel than Jesus.
Is Christian nonviolence the same as the gospel?No. The gospel of Jesus and participation in his kingdom should lead us to enemy love, nonviolent resistance, and active peacemaking - but these are all byproducts of the good news of the kingdom (along with many other things), they are not the gospel in and of themselves.
There are many people involved with the Jesus Peace Collective, below are just a few of the contributors or partners of the collective. Jesus Peace Collective is a diverse and ecumenical community that does not necessarily agree on all matters, but possess a shared conviction about the nonviolent and active peacemaking teachings of Jesus and the early church.