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Jesus Peace Collective is made up of a diverse and ecumenical group of Jesus followers that don't necessarily agree on all matters, but share a common conviction about the nonviolent and active peacemaking teachings of Jesus and the early church.

Tim Makie
9 min read
What Jesus Meant By “Turn the Other Cheek” in Matthew 5:39
After years of hiding bruises, a woman confides in a friend about her husband’s violent outbursts. Her friend advises her to submit to...

Dr. Preston Sprinkle
4 min read
The Bible on Self-Defense: a Response to Doug Wilson
Last Friday, pastor Doug Wilson and I gave talks on guns and violence at the Q conference in Denver. Might sound like a real shocker—two...

Dr. John Boyles
6 min read
The Message of the Cross is Foolishness to AI
Each fall it is my great pleasure to walk through the four Gospels with anywhere from two to four sections of first semester students at...

Dr. Myles Werntz
7 min read
Ordinary Violence
Peacemaking is a crucial part of the Christian life — but it isn’t just about war. The origin story of my pacifism will be familiar to...

A. C. Oommen
2 min read
What Gandhi Taught Me About Jesus
As India erupted in Hindu–Muslim strife, a young Christian responded to Gandhi’s plea: “Where are the Christians who live according to...

Dr. Greg Boyd
6 min read
Was the Early Church Pacifistic? A Response to Paul Copan
In Crucifixion of the Warrior God (CWG) I argue that Jesus and Paul instruct Christians to love and bless their enemies and to...

Dr. Myles Werntz
2 min read
How to Win Enemies
Augustine of Hippo and Howard Thurman of Daytona Beach follow the shocking implications of Jesus’ teachings on violence in the Sermon on...

Dr. Myles Werntz
7 min read
Howard Thurman’s Contemplative Nonviolence
The pastor and mentor to Martin Luther King formed a vision of resistance around prayer, not politics. Revered by the leaders of the...

Kristin Kobes Du Mez
5 min read
Still Searching for Christian America
“At times of crisis it is a natural human reaction to turn to the past for support.” [1] These words were written by evangelicals, to...

Dr. Stanley Hauerwas
13 min read
The Only Road to Freedom: MLK Jr. and Nonviolence
Of all the silly claims sometimes made by atheists these days, surely one of the silliest is that Christianity was in no way...

Dr. Stanley Hauerwas
14 min read
The End of Just War: Why Christian Realism Requires Nonviolence
Pacifists always bear the burden of proof. They do so because, as attractive as nonviolence may be, most assume that pacifism just will...

Jon Sherwood
1 min read
"It's Just War" - Should Christians Fight?
Anchor-Cross Publishing and Followers of the Way sponsored a debate on the subject of just war. They sought to bring leading thinkers...

Edem Morny
11 min read
Jesus And Peace
One of the abiding difficulties of living as a disciple of Jesus and attempting to teach others about the way of Jesus is the wall of...

Kirk R. MacGregor
27 min read
Nonviolence in the Ancient Church & Christian Obedience
Abstract In the course of Christian history, nowhere has the tension between the teachings of Jesus and valid application of those...

Dr. Ronald J. Sider
1 min read
Christian Nonviolence and Church History
Jesus’ message of peace for all time The earliest Christians embraced Jesus’ message of peace. Indeed, up until the time of Constantine...

Dr. Myles Werntz
5 min read
Pacifism Does Not End The Wars
Since the war broke out in Ukraine this week, I’ve had several people ask what a pacifist would say about all this. Over the last month,...
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